Basic Musicianship Teacher Resources
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Be Respectful - This includes listening to the teacher(s) and other students and responding in a respectful way. It also includes respecting the classroom, technology, and materials
Be Prepared - This includes finishing homework before class and having all your materials with you and ready prior to class
Be On Time - Whether online or in-person it is important to arrive on time so that you don’t miss anything and so that you are being respectful of your volunteer teacher’s time
Follow Directions - Listen and follow your teacher’s directions the first time every time
Ask Questions - If you don’t understand something make sure to ask questions. This will help your teacher(s) to teach you!
Stay Engaged - Make sure you stay focused and engaged on the lesson and activities. The more that you focus on the lessons the more you will get out of this class
Do Work You Can Be Proud Of - This applies to homework, class work, and class participation
Have Fun - If you aren’t having fun learning about music then you might be doing something wrong! Remember that this class leads to you getting to take lessons on whatever instrument you want!
Section 1: Rhythm Counting KAHOOT -
Section 2: Musical Symbols KAHOOT -
Section 3: Notes & Durations KAHOOT -
Section 4: Treble Clef Note Names KAHOOT -
Section 5: Bass Clef Note Names KAHOOT -
Section 6: Notes on the Keyboard KAHOOT -
Helpful Videos
Online Music Games (See Student Page for More)
Misc. Music Games & Activities -
Chrome Music Lab -
Note Name and Rhythm Games -
Misc. Music Games & Activities -