Instrument Resources
Instruments are valuable and should be cared for. Students should learn how to use and care for their instrument to ensure that it stays in good working order. Every type of instrument is different so we have organized resource pages for our most commonly requested instruments.
On the left side of this page you will find a list of instruments (or by pressing the “+” in the top right on some devices). Click the one that pertains to you and make sure you watch the videos marked “***REQUIRED***”.
Borrowing a W O Smith Instrument?
Here is what you need to know:
We are happy to loan students any and all equipment they might need to be successful. We maintain an inventory of instruments and the accessories that go with them. All you need to do is ask.
Students who borrow W O Smith instruments and equipment should understand that they are expected to take good care of them, practice often, bring them back at the end of the school year, and that they should be the only person to use it.
Here is what you are agreeing to when borrowing any equipment:
The student and parent or guardian acknowledge receipt of the asset(s). They also agree to the following conditions as set forth by the W.O. Smith/Nashville Community Music School:
1. The instruments/music/uniform are and will remain the property of the W.O. Smith School.
2. The property will be returned to the W.O. Smith School following performance evaluations at the end of the school year (September - May) or upon earlier termination of lessons.
3. The property will be returned in the same condition as received. The Student/Parent will be responsible for loss, theft or damage.
4. In the event of loss, theft or damage, Student/Parent will be liable for replacement cost as determined by the W.O. Smith School.